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Women in Logistics

Women in Logistics


It is no secret that the logistics and transportation industry is not as diverse as many other industries, men have historically made up the majority of people that work in this industry. Joining MW Logistics full-time almost two years ago, I entrenched myself in learning about the talent that gives their all to ensure that items reach their destination. People I knew were surprised and wanted to know more about how it was to be a female in this male dominated – and in their opinion less sophisticated – type of industry. What I have determined is that we need to educate individuals both outside and inside of the supply chain and logistics industry about the career opportunities available, and that women can and should have a larger role in it. This is an industry that is essential not only to us individually but also to the economy.

Speak with a company in our industry and you will know that performance excellence, technology, and data analytics are keys to success. With the evolution of logistics and transportation over the last several years, career opportunities abound and women can contribute greatly in this business sector. Many are familiar with the roles of truck driver and dispatchers. Both critical roles in the movement of freight around the country and roles that women are increasingly choosing as a career. There are also roles that women can excel at in other areas that require the ability to analyze data and market trends, be computer savvy, have excellent communication skills and be able to lead and motivate others. Adding credibility and focus on the industry, universities are now offering courses and degrees in support of the industry.

Logistics is like many other industries and businesses in the world, and the more technology evolves, the more the supply chain and logistics industry will grow. Opportunities and the skills and talents of those employed in all areas will continue to evolve. With this said, what is keeping women from working in logistics? Many are not trying to be a part of an industry they may perceive as male oriented and labor intensive. Providing education and exposure to what is available is key. Many women that work in logistics say that it is an excellent field of work and that they can enrich the industry with their contributions.

According to a study made by Gartner in 2021, only 22% of transport workers are women, and 17% of Chief Supply Chain Officers are women, a 6% increase compared to 2019. This means that women’s representation is increasing at a steady pace but it’s not enough to achieve a balanced gender representation in the industry.

Women in

When you look at other leadership roles within the logistics industry, there is even much more work to be done. As we go up in the leadership ladder, we see that the representation numbers are smaller, some of them with no growth in the past years.

At MW Logistics, with our focus on technology enhancement, efficiency in execution and to enhance our partnerships with our customers and carrier partners, we advocate for diversity and encourage women to become a part of our team. Currently 50% of our leadership team are women, and 55% of our team overall areis women as well. Our hope is that giving more visibility to successful women in logistics, will encourage others to take interest in this industry. Check us out and come grow with us!